NY Green Amendment Rally and March

Rally & March to Celebrate Our New York Green Amendment & Challenge NY Government to Embrace It

Friday, July 12, 12:00pm Noon
New York State Capitol Building steps
State St. and, Washington Ave,
Albany, NY 12224

Join leaders, activists, and Green Amendment plaintiffs for a rally and march to lift up the protections the NY Green Amendment is providing communities & challenge Governor Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James, and the new NY DEC Commissioner to embrace the opportunity & obligation for protection the amendment demands.By lifting up New York’s Green Amendment we will also be inspiring communities in the 20 other states seeking these same powerful protections. The more that gather, the stronger our message that We The People demand our government leaders respect and protect our environmental rights.

I'm interested in attending I'm an organization and want to support I want to sign the letter to Governor Hochul and others

New York is one of only 3 states in the ENTIRE United States that has a Green Amendment. Meaning, New York has given the people of its state a constitutional right to clean air, clean water, and a healthful environment for current and  future generations. By a vote of over 70% of New Yorkers in 2021, this powerful right was added to the New York Declaration of Rights, giving the power to the people to defend their environmental rights. 

The New York Green Amendment is a powerful tool for advancing environmental justice for frontline communities, for securing climate justice for present and future generations, and for ensuring the quality of the air, water and environments that impact every aspect of our lives.

New York’s Green Amendment, Article 1 Section 19, Reads: 

Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.


Key time, date & details

Friday, July 12, 12:00pm Noon
Beginning on the steps of the state capitol in Albany, located at Washington Avenue & State Street, Albany, NY 12224. We plan to begin at noon with chants, songs & speakers. Then we will join together for a march, approximately half mile long, to the NY DEC offices located at 625 Broadway, to deliver our sign on letter and other key items.

Don't forget:

Please be sure to bring:

  • water bottle or other hydration
  • snacks to sustain you on the day
  • fold out chair if you need
  • umbrella or hat for sun shade
  • sunscreen for exposed skin 

Feel free to bring your own sign about government protecting your right to clean water & air, & a healthful environment, &/or enforcing the NY Green Amendment.  We will also have signs on hand you can use and take home at the end of the day that have messages about the values of a Green Amendment.

Getting there:

We are working on some transportation options to help folks get to the rally site, so please stay tuned for additional information on that front if of value.