Businesses Support

Help Demonstrate Businesses Support for Green Amendments

A healthy environment makes money, saves money, supports a healthy workforce, creates community beneficial jobs, promotes innovation, and drives positive economic vitality.

Businesses — large and small — of all kinds —  can benefit greatly from a well protected, healthy environment. As a result, community-positive businesses actively support environmental protection.

But opponents of Green Amendments are quick to claim that business leaders – across the board – oppose environmental protection and will oppose the recognition and protection of the right of communities, people, workers and wildlife to clean water and air, a safe climate and healthy environments.

Help us demonstrate that businesses leaders support environmental protection and recognize the value of protecting pure water, clean air, safe climate and healthy environments for all people and all generations.   

Are you a business owner or leader? Please sign this short and positive statement demonstrating your business supports Green Amendment protections.

Don’t own a business but want to help? Reach out to your favorite businesses – be they large or small, local or national – and invite them to sign this short positive statement in support.

Want a bit more help & info? Here’s all you need to guide & support your business outreach:

Here again is the short positive online Business statement of support  — share the link to make it easy for businesses to support the rights of all communities to a clean, safe, and healthy environment, and to secure all the economic vitality, job creation, health, and quality of life benefits a healthy environment provides.

Look Who’s Already Supporting

See our Business Supporters now.