Join the New Green Amendment Action Platform to stay up to date and be an active part of the movement nationwide and in your state
Green Amendments For The Generations has a new Green Amendments Action Platform that you can join to be up to date on all of the hot news and action opportunities. If there is already an active movement in your state be sure to join your state’s Community page in addition to the National Community if you are interested in what is going on nationwide.
- You can join on your computer via the web by going to this link.
- Get it on the go. You can download access to the Action Platform as an app to your phone from the Apple or Android Google Play app store or by searching for in “Green Amendments FTG”
However you join, this will be the best place to stay up to date and engage.
Be sure when you sign up to set the email/push notifications to suit your life style, turn them on, turn them off or limit them. It’s easy and will ensure the best experience.