Over 40% of Americans are breathing unhealthy air, and 20% have been exposed to unsafe drinking water. Environmental racism continues to allow BIPOC and low-income communities to suffer a higher rate of pollution, along with increased health and economic consequences. The vast majority of this damage is inflicted quite legally – the result of a legal system crafted through a lens of politics, lobbying, and corporate access.
We cannot afford to go backwards with weakening environmental protections.
Please Donate To Support Moving Forward.
Green Amendments For the Generations is the only organization working nationwide to codify the rights to a healthy environment in our state constitutions, on par with freedom of speech and freedom of religion. In just a few years, our Green Amendment movement has grown to include over 275 organizations spanning 19 states.
By making a donation on November 28, known as #GivingTuesday, you’re contributing to a positive solution for environmental protection that empowers communities to stand up for and secure their human rights to a healthy environment.
This work would not be possible without you!
Please Donate If You Can
And Share This Donation Link with Others: