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NM Community Strategy Meeting – 6 pm MT

Join this community strategy and action discussion to be a part of determining the plan for how to best advance the NM Green Amendment. This first meeting to get us organizing and educating for the 2024 New Mexico Green Amendment language will be held Date: November 9 Time: 6 pm MT Place: via zoom.  If

IT’S GIVING TUESDAY – Pls Donate & Spread the Word

Over 40% of Americans are breathing unhealthy air, and 20% have been exposed to unsafe drinking water. Environmental racism continues to allow BIPOC and low-income communities to suffer a higher rate of pollution, along with increased health and economic consequences. The vast majority of this damage is inflicted quite legally – the result of a

NM Green Amend Strategy Mtg 12/6 4 pm MT

Help develop and implement the strategy to advance the New Mexico Green Amendment. December 6 4 pm Mountain time Sign Up HERE and Join the Team.

Washington Green Amendment: How It Works & How It Will Help – Exact Date TBD

Join us to learn how Washington’s Green Amendment can help provide essential protections to address the climate crisis, environmental justice & environmental preservation. In this 1 hour zoominar, you will learn from the national expert and local leaders: How the proposed language helps lift up environmental protection in our state; How the amendment will help

The Washington Green Amendment: How It Works & How It Will Help

12:00 PM (noon) Pacific Time Join the WA State Green Amendment Team and Representative Debra Lekanoff, (LD40) prime sponsor of the Green Amendment in Washington, in welcoming Maya K van Rossum, national expert and Founder of Green Amendments For The Generations, for a presentation and Q&A on this growing movement. The Green Amendment will transform

Journal of Constitutional Law Symposium

The Journal of Constitutional Law at Penn Carey Law is hosting its annual symposium on January 20th. This year’s topic will explore the right to a clean environment from the

Connecticut ERA/Green Amendment Training #2

Telling Your Story Have you started your journey into learning about and advocating for the Connecticut Environmental Rights Amendment (CT ERA/Green Amendment), but aren’t sure exactly how to talk about

WA Green Amendment Hearing

Sign Up To Testify If You Can & Please Comment ASAP The WA Green Amendment (HJR4210) has been referred to the House Environment and Energy Committee for first consideration and

NJ Green Amendment Hearing – POSTPONED

IMPORTANT UPDATE - Monday’s NJ Green Amendment Hearing POSTPONED Disappointingly, our NJ Green Amendment Leadership team has learned that the NJ Green Amendment will not be up for a hearing