February 3, 11 am (mst), let’s come together in the Rotunda of the Roundhouse to lift up the message that New Mexicans want, deserve and need the protections of a New Mexico Green Amendment.
Legislative leaders and environmental champions will be holding a press conference, with a rally atmosphere, calling on the New Mexico legislature to hold hearings and support the New Mexico Green Amendment.
Your presence will be essential for lifting up this essential message.
When: February 3rd at 11 am mst
Where: Rotunda of the Roundhouse
Who: Legislators, Youth and Leaders including:
Senator Harold Pope, Jr.
Representative Joanne Ferrary
Representative Joseph Hernandez
Representative Roybal Caballero
Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
State Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard
Wildlife For All Executive Director Dr. Michelle Lute
From Creation Care Committee of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Consuelo O. Walker
From 350 Santa Fe, James Eagle
Youth speakers from the Global Warming Express
and more!
Please join, your voice is essential for lifting up this important message.