Ways to Donate

Donating to Green Amendments For The Generations

We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Every donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The Green Amendment Movement depends heavily on your much needed involvement and financial support to raise awareness and get folks engaged in securing our rights to the clean water, pure air stable climate, and healthy environment we all want!

Helpful Information

Organization Name:
Green Amendments For The Generations

925 Canal Street, Suite 3701
Bristol, PA 19007

EIN (tax ID number):

See financial and informational disclosures.

Organization Information Disclosures

A copy of GAFTG’s latest financial report may be obtained by writing to Green Amendments For The Generations, 925 Canal Street, Suite 3701, Bristol, PA, 19007, or by calling 215-369-1188. Our financial report is sent free to anyone requesting a copy. Additional information on obtaining our financial reports directly from states that we work in can be found on website here.

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Donate by mail

Please send checks payable to Green Amendments For The Generations to:
Green Amendments For The Generations
925 Canal Street, Suite 3701
Bristol, PA 19007

Become a Monthly Donor

Because you want to see lasting change
Even $10 every month means we can continue working to secure your constitutional rights to pure water, clean air, and a healthy environment for you, your family, and generations to come.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor advised funds are a great vehicle for giving. Please consider sending a donation from your donor advised fund to support our work advancing the Green Amendment movement. Use the donor advised fund widget (below) to easily make your donation.

Logo DAF Direct


Employee or Retiree Matching Gifts

Thousands of companies match donations made by their employees (or retirees)—as much as doubling your gift. It’s a super easy way to make your gift go twice as far.  Inquire within your company to see if you can make your donation go further with a matching gift.

IRA Disbursements

Use the information below to make an IRA disbursement to Green Amendments For The Generations.

Organization Name:
Green Amendments For The Generations

925 Canal Street, Suite 3701
Bristol, PA 19007

EIN (tax ID number):

Donate Stock

We’ve made it incredibly easy to donate stock shares using the platform StockDonator. Simply enter your stock ticker and quantity, and select Green Amendments For the Generations as the receiving organization.

Green Amendments For the Generations shall recognize any gifts of stock as individual donations and accept gifts of stock under the provision that the stock shall be liquidated as soon as possible. Such gifts shall be valued at the time of transfer from the donor to the Organization. Proceeds from the sale of the stock are considered unrestricted contributed income unless the donor has imposed a restriction as a condition of the gift in which case accounting procedures for restricted contributions will be followed. Any donations to the Organization in the form of stocks must be converted to cash as soon after as reasonably possible unless the decision to hold stock has been agreed upon by the Founder.

Long-Term, Planned, or Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is a generous gift to be given over a period of time or upon an individual’s death, to a charitable organization. Giving to Green Amendments For The Generations through long-term or planned giving is a lasting way to honor your loved one and the environment. Consult with a qualified professional advisor to help you in making your planned gift.

Membership Privacy Policy

Green Amendments For The Generations is committed to protecting our members’ privacy. The Delaware Riverkeeper Network (DRN) is a partner organization with Green Amendments For The Generations (GAFTG) and provides services, resources, and infrastructure for GAFTG. Data and information gathered and obtained by DRN is communal to GAFTG and vice versa. We do not sell, rent, or trade our members’ personal information. We do not share our membership mailing list or personally identifiable information with other organizations. Occasionally, we may provide members with information about an event or program on behalf of a partner organization if we feel it is of sufficient interest. This policy applies to all member information received by the Green Amendments For The Generations, both online and offline, on any platform including the Green Amendment For The Generations website and integrated applications, as well as through any electronic, written, or oral communications.

In addition, when Green Amendments For The Generations uses outside contractors or third party service providers for the purposes of updating addresses, producing mailings, or sending other communication including email messages, we verify that member information is handed securely and treated confidentially. To the extent that donations are processed through a third-party service provider, donor information is only to be used by those providers for the purposes necessary to process donations.

Membership data and privacy is governed by our Privacy Policy. Read our full privacy policy here.