Green Amendments are self executing provisions added to the bill of rights section of a constitution that recognize and protect the rights of all people, including future generations, regardless of race, ethnicity, tribal membership status, socioeconomics or geography, to pure water, clean air, a stable climate, and healthy environments.

The Texas Green Amendment — called The Stewardship Amendment — was filed by TX State Representative Vikki Goodwin.
The Joint Resolution proposing the amendment reads:
SECTION 1. Article I, Texas Constitution, is amended by adding Section 36 to read as follows:
Sec. 36. (a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural, scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment. The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.
(b) The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations. The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.
(c) This section is self-executing.
Texas in the News
The Texas Green Amendment is slowly but surely gaining traction as more and more people become aware. Check out this great news clip:
Watch & Share The Video Short
Watch & share this video of key leaders talking about the how’s and why’s of the Texas Stewardship Amendment.
Once you have been inspired please sign this petition of support to join the Texas Stewardship Amendment effort.
Encourage Support
Take a moment to encourage support by other legislators for the proposed Texas Stewardship Amendment (aka Texas’ version of a Green Amendment) that will recognize and protect the rights of all Texans to clean water and air, and healthy soils and environments.
State Representative Vikki Goodwin first proposed the Texas Stewardship Amendment (HJR 119) that will add to the state constitution’s bill of rights, the right of all people to a clean, safe and healthy environment. This will be Texas’ version of a Green Amendment and meets all criteria to give highest constitutional protection to the environmental rights of all Texans, including present and future generations.
To learn more about the Texas Stewardship Amendment & how it will provide essential community and environmental protection here are a few key resources:
- Key Points: Raising Up Environmental Rights in Texas
- How the Texas Stewardship Amendment Will Help Strengthen Environmental Justice, Protection & Healthy Communities
- How Will The Texas Stewardship Amendment Make Lives Better by Enhancing Environmental Protection and Environmental Justice?
- Texas Green Amendment Frequently Asked Questions
- How Green Amendments Protect Key Environmental Rights — Expert Analysis by Founder M.K. van Rossum for Law360
- Constitutional Green Amendments: Making Environmental Justice a Reality, American Bar Association Natural Resources & Environment Journal
- Find more information and resources on how a Green Amendment transforms environmental protection & justice:
- Learn now a Green Amendment is making a difference in the 3 states that have this constitutional protection currently:
Sign in Support
Whether you are an individual or organization, please sign this petition of support to join the Texas Stewardship Amendment effort.
If you are an organization that would like to be identified on the website and in social media as being in support of the Texas Stewardship Amendment (Texas’ version of a Green Amendment) please sign up here.
Please sign up here to join the national Green Amendment movement, sign up for your free membership here so you receive our newsletter, updates and other ways to engage in Texas and beyond.
If you are and individual or an organization interested in a leadership role to advance the Texas Stewardship Amendment, or have any questions, please get in touch with us at this link and let us know, we’ll start to loop you in or answer your questions.