Take Action to Advance a Green Amendment
Featured Actions

Write Your Legislator
Green Amendments are a powerful tool for environmental protection, environmental justice & addressing the climate crisis. Write your state legislators today, demand they be on the leading edge – especially now in the face of federal rollbacks.

Be An Ambassador
Help advance constitutional environmental rights in your state. Become a Green Amendment Ambassador. There are lots of options: give a talk, advance social media, share info to spread the word.

Addressing Climate
Learn from the experts on how Green Amendments help address the climate crisis. Watch the forum here (scroll past the agenda & speaker bios until you find the video). Not already on the Action Platform? Sign up here.

Hearings, trainings, press events & more are great opportunities to engage in your state & nationwide. Check out our events calendar to see what is happening & how you can engage.

Write a Letter to the Editor
Writing a letter to your local newspaper is a great way to spread the word and demonstrate your leadership for environmental protection. It’s easy using our online tool.

Supporting A Federal Green Amendment – Learn When/How
We will need a federal Green Amendment too. But that will be step #2. Learn more here.