From Rhetoric to Reality: Green Amendments as a New Path for Environmental Protection (Virtual)
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Virtual)
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Join Maya k van Rossum at a virtual event hosted by the Bloomfield Public Library in Connecticut.
Communities are drinking contaminated water, breathing polluted air, facing the devastating consequences of climate instability, and suffering the health, safety and economic consequences that result. BIPOC and low wealth communities are particularly hard hit; suffering from higher rates of exposure to damaged environments and contamination making them sick, impacting the ability of their children to learn, and compounding the inequities of systemic racism. At the same time, future generations are facing an increasingly uncertain future; fearful of the climate crisis predictions that are increasingly becoming an unavoidable reality.
In her inspiring talk, Maya van Rossum offers not only hope, but a clear path forward. She is traveling the nation sharing her simple but powerful message: It is time to put the inalienable right to a clean, safe and healthy environment on par with our most treasured rights and freedoms — freedom of speech, freedom to protest, and freedom to worship according to our beliefs. How? Using the power of democracy and the passage of state constitutional Green Amendments.
This partnership program is brought to you by Bloomfield Public Library (BPL), Green Amendments For The Generation (GAFTG), 350CT, Climate Crisis Mobilization (C3M), and People’s Actions for Clean Energy (PACE). Learn more about the CT Green Amendment
here. Request a library copy of Maya’s book
here (note: during BPL’s transition phase this summer, this may not be available, or you may choose to pick up the book in another town). See
Sara Ray with questions.