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New Mexico Pre-30-Day Session Event

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 5PM (MT) Live Web Event! Are you aware of what the New Mexico Green Amendment is facing in the upcoming 30-day Legislative Session?? More importantly, do you know how you can personalize your advocacy for the right to clean water, pure air, and a healthy environment?! Join us at the start

The Green Amendment: How it Will Change New York’s Environmental Future

January 13, 2022 @ 6:30PM (EST) REGISTER HERE Hosted by Hudson River Sloop Clearwater New York is the 3rd state in the nation to implement a Green Amendment in its state constitution!! What does this mean for New York environmental legislation and justice movements? Have all of your questions answered and learn about how you

Washington Green Amendment Hearing Before The House

The Washington Green Amendment is scheduled for a committee hearing in the Washington State House Committee on Environment & Energy on Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 10AM (PST)/1PM (EST) If

New Mexico Green Amendment – HEENRC Votes – 9 AM MT

The NM Green Amendment (HJR2) is scheduled for its re-hearing in the House Energy, Environment, & Natural Resources Committee at 9am! Please join in via Zoom and show your support! When: